Finding the best lower ab exercises is hard if you don't know what you are doing. When doing lower ab exercises good form is essential because if you are doing your lower ab exercises wrong; or for that matter any exercises for abs, you can seriously damage you back.
In this post, you will learn what many professionals consider to be the best lower ab exercises around.
There are 3 different lower ab ax exercises that I would like to share with you.
Here are some of the best lower ab exercises to try in the comfort of your own home:
1. Alternating Supine Leg Walks - lower ab exercises
Start off by laying on your back with your hands under your buttocks. Lift your legs so they are vertical. Contract your lower abs so your midsection is tense.
Then, lower 1 leg so your foot is a few inches from the ground. Hold there for about 1 second, then return that leg to the starting position. Alternate which leg you lower.
One of the most effective lower ab exercises! try a few reps and remember to keep your lower abs tight, and really try to feel the burn.
2. Supine Reverse Crunches - lower ab exercises
Start off by laying on your back with your hands under your buttocks. Lift your legs so they are vertical, then bend your knees at a 90 degree angle. Contract your abs so your midsection is tense.
Keeping your knees bent at the same angle, slowly lower them until the back of your feet are a few inches above the ground. Then, bring your knees up towards your chest and really squeeze your lower abs while doing this.
Repeat. Repeat
3. Leg Lifts - lower ab exercises
Start off by laying on your back with your hands under your buttocks. Lift your legs so they are vertical.
Contract your midsection by engaging the upper abs.
Then, lower both legs so that the back of your feet are right above the ground. After holding that position for a few second, return your legs to the vertical position.
All three of those lower ab exercises are part of the best lower ab workouts possible. Now you know the basic components of having one of the best lower ab workouts.
Good Luck on shredding those lower abs!
Looking for some more tips and tricks from the pros? Check out Mike Geary's "Truth about abs" Click Here! Mike's e-book is jam packed with the best tips and techniques guaranteed to get you on the fast track to having a slim and sexy body.